Get a pole for home
Need a pole for home? No problem. We suggest XPole.
Xpole makes high quality poles that can easily go in your home. The standard pole is a tension mounted pole for ceilings 7-9 feet high. You can also get extensions for higher ceilings and even special mounts for vaulted ceilings.
There is also another option of something called a stage pole. These are stand alone poles that do not hook into either the floor or the ceiling.
Xpole also offers different finishes for the pole. Chrome is usually the standard but some students prefer to get stainless or brass because of personal preference. If you have a lot of skin allergies, I suggest upgrading to a stainless or a brass pole.
You can click on the pictures below to go right to these products or click on the button to see all the options that Xpole has.
I also suggest a crash mat. We will make sure you are always safe but if you are poling at home a crash mat will give you that extra boost of confidence to try new tricks and help ensure you always have a soft landing.
Click this link for the best price available.