v90 Challenge 2024
Imagine what can happen in 90 days!
90 Days of Vertica Classes.
In studio, at home, on or off the pole.
And…it’s free to join the challenge.
(Classes must be purchased through your local studio)
Who is the challenge for?
It’s for those who want to jump start their health with a plan and support.
It’s for those who are ready for a change or to experience the next level of strength and vitality.
It’s for those who HATE to diet.
It’s for those who LOVE to have fun.
It’s for anyone that wants to feel sexy and love their body now.
But don’t be fooled. This plan works. Last time I did it my body had a radical change (50 lbs) but my heart was happy and my mind was too.
This is not a diet.
It is not a crazy punish your body plan.
But it will take commitment.
You will need support.
There will be days that it is hard.
You will have to dig deep.

At Vertica Fitness we believe working out should always be a celebration of your body and should be fun, empowering, and effective. That's why we created the v90 Challenge.
The v90 Challenge is simple. For 3 months you will do the following three tasks each week: Do 3 Vertica classes, follow a fuel plan, and post a picture.
Each Week:
Do THREE Vertica classes. You can do any 3 Vertica Workouts you want. But we suggest:
1 Fit class
1 Flirt Class
1 Fly Class
Follow your fuel plan. You get to choose what your fuel plan is. We have a suggested meal plan for pole athletes. But you can choose your own as long as it is healthy (no gummy bear and diet soda fuel plans). Once you choose, stick to it.
Post a progress picture here in the challenge. Take pictures and be amazed at your pole progress, muscles, and how strong you look and FEEL. You can take pictures of a new move you learned, some flow you mastered, or how hot you look in your new heels! Post the picture in the V-Challenge feed here in the Vertica Circle Network. Every time you post you are showing up for yourself but also for the others that are doing the challenge too. So give a piece of yourself by posting and then cheer each other on. Pictures can be on or off the pole. Help us create a community of baddies lifting each other up!
***Don't forget to mark off your task each time you complete it here on the V-Challenge App. ***
Tips for Success:
If you don't complete a task, you do not have to start over. Keep going. Don't give up. But do strive for perfection. Do your best to do every task as outlined in the challenge.
Utilize our home resources when needed:
You have options. But you have to do a Vertica Fitness class THREE times a week. If you don't live where there is a studio yet or you can't make it in for one of your classes, then do the workout at home. We have resources for home workouts both with or without a home pole. Workouts should be 30 -60 mins in length.
What to do if you're at home:
vFitMax classes (on the pole or off the pole)
Flirt Classes (on the pole or use a chair)
Fly Classes (on the pole. If you don't have a pole and there isn't a studio by you, you can sub in vFitMax or Flirt Classes instead). If you are doing Fly at home you can spend your workout time practicing the moves from the Fly Course. You can find the Fly Course here: https://vertica-circle.mn.co/spaces/7636439?utm_source=manual
vFlex class. (This will give you muscles a chance to rest! Great option for increasing flexibility or when you're feeling exhausted.)
Look for links for prerecorded videos in the "Workout Section" at the top of this course. You can also join in live zoom classes from the Tucson location (available to all members nationwide).
Safety: By participating in the course you are taking all risk upon yourself. Please speak with a doctor before beginning any workout or altering your food intake.
When poling or working out at home you agree to
Listen to your body and never push to levels of danger
Make sure to always work ONLY at your level, follow all safety precautions, and use a crash mat as much as possible.
Have fun and CONNECT
The more you have fun and connect with others in the challenge, the more successful you will be. Post your progress and cheer others on.
It's about BODY LOVE
Always remember it is about loving your body. The workouts, fuel plan, and pictures are meant to strengthen you, support you, and celebrate you. You are amazing exactly as you are. The V-Challenge is an opportunity to love on yourself some more by giving yourself the best opportunity to gain more vitality.
You CAN do it!
We believe in you. You got this. And when you need some support, just jump into the group and reach out. You're going to be surrounded by an amazing group of people who want to see you succeed!!!
The v90 Challenge is on an APP!
It includes:
Content- workout videos and fuel plan
Community- social feed for keeping in touch with over v90’ers
Accountability and Tracking- You can check off each task and each day in the app to track your progress