Finally a place where every body belongs online!
We've got our very own Network
No more shadow banning, flagging or social media jail. We've created our very own place where we can connect, share our passions and truly be free.
There is no charge to join the Vertica Circle Network. So join us online today.
Our Main Circle
Every Body is welcome here. Members and Non-members. Any where in the world.
Post and connect.
Vertica Groups
We've got public and private groups to help you connect. Popular groups include:
*Vertica After Dark (Bring the SeXy).
*Location Based Groups (connect with people in your area)
*Vertica Market (post your stuff to sell)
Vertica Courses
Both free and paid courses. Find information on specific topics, join challenges and get amazing tools.
*v90 Challenge (create massive momentum in 90 days)
*VFitMax (get fit at home)
*Going Vertical (the Vertica Mindset Course)
*The Fly Course (Our curriculum in digital format with video tutorials!)